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The Case for Christ

Have you ever wondered if the story of Jesus was just a story or the actual recanting of the Son of God living on this earth as a man? Don't feel bad if you've doubted the gospel before, even the disciples who walked alongside of Him had their doubts. It wasn't until they really saw His resurrected body that they fully believed. We don't have that luxury in today's time, but we can see the proof of Jesus in many other ways. With all the knowledge we have these days we are able to see through facts that Jesus was a real man who was also fully God. Knowing deep down to our core that Jesus is real secures our faith and gives us the confidence we need to share with others about Him.

Starting this Sunday, March 19th, at 9:45am we will be going through a 7 week study of Lee Strobel's, Case For Christ. Lee was an atheist journalist who set out on a 2 year journey to disprove Christianity and his wife's faith. Instead he realized through all the facts about the resurrection that it would take more faith to remain an atheist so he gave his life to Christ and wrote out his journey to share with the world. This best selling book has helped millions confirm and grow their faith. So, come out to Destination Church and lets grow our faith together.

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