Where is this journey headed?
Where is this journey headed?
You never know when life may change in a brief moment or why things happen to us. What does it all mean? Where is this journey heading? All the things that happened my mine and my husband’s life were all leading up to the moment God called him to start a church and to preach. Before that moment we were content in just serving in a church, using our talents to glorify God, talents that we once used to serve ourselves, following our own agendas. All of the failures, regrets and missteps we suffered were all leading us to the place where we could lovingly open a church that would serve the lost and broken children of God. God’s call may not fit into a typical church mold but if you visit our worship service you will see that the only mold we wish to fit into is that of the Bible.
We are a nondenominational group but I best describe us as a ‘Bible Believing Church’. January 12th, 2016 will mark 2 years that we have been gathering to worship the King of Kings and learn how to have a deeper more intimate relationship with Jesus and how to really show Jesus to others through the way we live our lives.
When God reveled His vision to our church plant it was simple, salvation and discipleship. This helped form our vision statement, “Changing People’s Destination; Improving the Journey!” Changing people’s destination is the salvation aspect, so that they no longer spend eternity in hell, their eternal destination is now heaven. Improving the journey is the discipleship aspect of our vision. When you start to seek Christ and try to live a life that reflects Him then your life’s journey will start to improve. We want people to have all the peace, healing, deep rooted joy and security that we find when we walk with Christ.
Our mission statement is simply stated from Matthew 28:18-20 “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” The Great Commission that Jesus asked His followers to carry out. We want to make an impact on the lost world.
Through prayer and guidance God lead us to our present location in Fletcher, NC. Just a few weeks before our launch He put together our current worship band. We were given metal folding chairs, which were a blessing at the time but God has blessed us further now, we now have pretty and comfy chairs Our church family continues to grow with people from all age groups and backgrounds. We launched our small groups a little over a year ago which really help the discipleship part of our vision and have helped us grow closer as a family. We look forward to the journey God is taking Destination Church down. Join us one Sunday for worship and see where He is leading your journey!