Get Involved
There are so many different ways to connect with us at Destination Church and to get involved! As Christians we are called to serve God in some way according to our gifts and abilities but to absolutely be available to be used to serve others. We are the church! Not our building but our beings! Becoming involved in one or more of our ministries is an excellent way to grow closer to Christ as you become His hands and feet as you embrace being part of the body of Christ. Not sure which one is right for you? Just start - Don't wait until conditions are perfect - they likely never will be! As you become involved by making yourself available, God will be faithful to reveal to you what His plans are for your life. Whether it's finding a small group or joining one of our active ministries, we want to share life with you!

DC Kids
Impact the future by leading today. Our Children are such an important part of our world. They are bombarded by society with confusion, hatred, anger and fear and the world is doing a great job teaching those lessons. It is imperative that our children have role models and leaders who are committed to teaching the biblical principles that will remain with them throughout their lives. Our Children are one of biggest assets and they are counting on us to share the message of salvation with them.
DC Youth
Our young people are so valuable to our community and to our church. The pressures of growing up can be overwhelming. At DC Youth, we want to offer a safe environment for our youth to share what's going on in their lives and to become equipped with the Armor of God so that they are able to stand firmly in the knowledge that they have been wonderfully and perfectly made by their Creator. If you have a heart for sharing the love of God with young people, this is amazing opportunity to impact the Body of Christ for future generations. We can't afford not to make our youth a priority!

DC Men
The definition of a "real man" has changed in society over several generations. Now more than ever, it important to look to God's design for the role of men in our families, our churches, our communities, and our leadership. At DC men, we focus on studying how the scriptures define our role in creation. This ministry provides opportunities to work together, to share together, and to learn together while creating lifelong bonds with each other.
DC Women
Currently, our women's ministry focus is on supporting each other within the church but also in reaching out to women within the community. This monthly gathering is meant to allow women to share life experiences with each other in an environment that fosters support, encouragement, and ideas as we walk this journey of womanhood together.
Proverbs 31:26 - She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.

Service Team
We love serve our community in lots of different ways. The opportunities are endless and we can never have too many volunteers ready to act! Whether it's a project that our kids have dreamed up or serving with one of our town's many community events, there's lots of work to be done and we're ready to have you join us! No matter your skill set, there's a place for your talents.

Host a Small Group
There are never too many Destination small groups going on to add another. It is our desire that these groups be available throughout the week, not only for our DC family to join in, but also for those who attend other churches or no church at all. We believe that spending time together outside of church, studying God's word in a small group setting is a crucial way to mature in our Christian journey. There are several ways to host a group and many DVD led studies are offered. If you're ready to get a small group going in your neighborhood or are interested in a particular topic, click the button below.

It's amazing what we can do as the body of Christ, when we come together!
- Pastor Lee Whitaker