Love One Another
In today’s world, it seems to be getting harder to be a Christian, especially with so many outspoken opponents. We have so much knowledge at our fingertips that it is easy to learn about and grow our personal faith but it is also easy for a non-Christian to find a scripture passage or theme to use against us to try and disprove our faith or even show the world that we are “hypocrites”.
One argument they like to make is that as Christians we are supposed to love others just as Jesus did, NO MATTER WHAT. We are to love them in the midst of their sin and that love means that we are not to ever point out the sin or try to tell someone that what they are doing is against God’s Word or could send them to Hell. Loving them means to accept and tolerate no matter how much it goes against the Bible.
Now before I go any further I’d like to note that I do feel you cannot judge someone into Heaven and you cannot simple love someone there either. You must have a balance of love and truth for them to actually realize they are in need of a savior and that accepting Him and repenting (turning away from) of their sins is the only way to Heaven.